Thursday, 13 June 2024

Class 7 - Chapter 8: Natural Language Processing

 Chapter 8: Natural Language Processing

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Natural Language Processing 

2. AI

3. Tokenisation 

4. NLG

5. Sentence Segmentation 

B. State True or False.

1. True 

2. False 

3. False 

4. True 

5. False

C. Select the correct option. 

1. b. Topic Analysis

2. a. Speech Recognition 

3. c. Face Recognition

4. b. Stemming 

5. c. NLO

D. Competency-based question.

Shruti should recommend Speech Recognition or a digital assistant with strong speech-to-text capabilities, such as Google Assistant or Apple's Siri.

E. Answer the following questions.

1. NLP stands for Natural Language Processing. It is the process of making computers understand human languages.

2. Stemming simplifies the word into its root word by removing any affixes in it. For example, "playing" will be simplified to "play". Whereas lemmatisation reduces the word to its base word while keeping the context of the word. For example, the words, sings, singing, and sung are all from the base word 'sing'. So, 'sing' is the lemma word for all these words.

3. Two applications of NLP are:

Digital assistants: Digital assistants, such as Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, or Cortana, all make use of NLP to interpret the voice commands and convert them into text.

Chatbots: Chatbots use NLP to understand user queries and provide relevant responses.

Class 7 - Worksheet 3 (Chapters 6 and 7)

 Worksheet 3 (Chapters 6 and 7)

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Unary, binary 

2. HTML tags

3. <!DOCTYPE> 

4. <P>

B. Select the correct option. 

1. a. Condition

2. b. Relational 

3. b. <BR>

4. a. Container

C. Answer the following questions.

1. Boolean operators are logical operators that evaluate one of the two states, either True or False. There are mainly three types of Boolean operators, i.e., and, or, and not.

2. Two benefits of CSS in designing web pages are: 

CSS controls the styling of web pages.

Style sheets make site maintenance much easier and provide more flexibility.

3. Precedence refers to the priority order of operators in an expression. There are different levels of precedence from high to low. Whereas associativity determines the order of execution of the operators ("Left to Right" or "Right to Left") when the operators in an expression have the same precedence.

Class 7 - Chapter 7: Introduction to HTML5

 Chapter 7: Introduction to HTML5

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Hypertext

2. Web Browsers 

3. Container

4. Line Break

5. text-decoration 

B. State True or False.

1. False 

2. True 

3. False 

4. False 

5. True

C. Select the correct option. 

1. b. WYSIWYG editor

2. b. <hr> 

3. a. CSS

4. c. Declaration 

5. b. <HTML>

D. Competency-based question.

Rashmi can use the CSS background property to set the image of a zoo as the background of her web page. The syntax to ad background image is: {background-image : value} where value = url (path of the image)

E. Answer the following questions.

1. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a markup language that allows us to create web pages that contain both text and graphics.

2. An attribute is the property that provides additional information about an HTML element. It enhances the functionality of a tag. An attribute is always specified inside the opening tag. All attributes consist of two parts: name and value. For example, <body bgcolor = ‘Yellow’> will sets the background colour to yellow for the webpage.

3. In inline method, the Style attribute is used with any element in the body section including the <body> tag itself. We can use any number of declarations; each one is separated by a semicolon. Whereas, in embedded style, the effects get applied to all the elements of the type with which the style declaration has been specified.

4. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It is a style sheet that provides a set of style rules for defining the layout of HTML documents.

5. The two text properties are:

a. font-family: This property is used to specify the font family or typeface to be used for the text.

b. font-size: This property is used to set the size of the font. You can specify the font size in pixels or percentages.

6. The use of following HTML tags are:

a. <Body>: All other tags and the content to be displayed on the web page appear under the <body> tag. Everything between <body> … </body> tags signify the body of the web page. It is a container tag.

b. <BR>: This tag is used to create a new line or a line break within a block of text. It is an empty tag, which means it does not have a closing tag.

c. <HR>: This tag is used to draw a horizontal line across the page. It is an empty tag, which requires no closing tag.

d. <Img>: This tag is used to embed an image to the web page. It is an empty tag, which means it does not have a closing tag.

e. <Title>: This tag tells the browser what to display as the title of the web page. It is a container tag. The content entered between this tag is visible on the Title bar of the browser window.

Class 7 - Chapter 6: Control Statements in Python

 Chapter 6: Control Statements in Python

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Precedence 2. '+'

3. Control 

4. if-else 

5. Boolean

B. State True or False. 

1. False

2. True 

3. True 

4. False 

5. True

C. Select the correct option. 

1. a. Operands

2. b. 4

3. b. Sequential 

4. a. else

5. b. 25

D. Competency-based question.

Sumit should use the modulus operator (%). 

E. Answer the following questions.

1. ‘/’ is the Division operator used to divide the numbers and give an output in the decimal form. For example, the output of 5/2 is 2.5. On the other hand, ‘//’ is the Floor Division operator used to divide the numbers and give an output in the integer form. For example, the output of 5//2 is 2.

2. The '*' operator is used to replicate a given string a specified number of times. It is also known as the replication operator.

3. Operators are symbols that perform arithmetic, logical, and relational operations on operands and provide a meaningful result. Assignment operator (=) is used to assign the value of an expression to a variable.

4. Logical operators are used to combine the result of two or more relational expressions. For example, and, or and not. Whereas relational operators compare the values of the variables and determine the result in a Boolean expression, which is either 'True' or 'False'. For example, >, <, >=, <=, ==, and!=.

5. Unary Operators operate on only one operand. For example, a= +100 (the value assigned to 'a' is +100). Whereas binary Operators operate on two operands. For example, a+b. Here, '+' is a binary operator working on 'a' and 'b'.

6. In programming languages, conditional statements cause the program to control the transfer to a specific location depending on the outcome of the conditional expression. The different types of control structures are: Sequential, Conditional, and Iterative

7. The conditional statements check the condition and execute the statements accordingly. The different forms of conditional statements are:

if statement

if…else statement

if….elif…else statement

8. The syntax of if…else statement is: if <condition>:

statement set 1 else:

statement set 2

Class 7 - Worksheet 2 (Chapters 4 and 5)

 Worksheet 2 (Chapters 4 and 5)

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Concatenation 

2. IFS ()

3. Column 

4. Grouped

B. Select the correct option. 

1. c. Colon

2. c. Mixed

3. a. Chart Tools 

4. c. Data

C. Answer the following questions.

1. a. Legend: It depicts the colours, patterns, and symbols assigned to a data series. It helps in reading the chart accurately. By default, legends appear at the bottom of the chart.

b. Gridlines: Gridlines are horizontal and vertical lines that extend across the plot area. They make it easier to read and understand the values.

2. Mixed reference is a combination of relative and absolute reference. In this type of reference, either the row or column must remain fixed. $A1 + A$2 is an example of mixed reference.

Class 7 - Chapter 5: Advanced Features of Excel

 Chapter 5: Advanced Features of Excel

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Chart

2. Data Series 

3. Legend

4. Bar

5. Grouping

B. State True or False. 

1. True

2. False 

3. False 

4. True 

5. True

C. Select the correct option. 

1. b. Axis Titles

2. b. Pie 

3. a. Shift

4. c. Sparklines 

5. b. Sort

D. Competency-based question.

A suitable chart type would be a bar chart or a column chart. 

E. Answer the following questions.

1. A chart is an effective way to display data in a pictorial form. Charts make it easier to draw comparison, analyse the growth, and find the relationship and trends among the values in a range. They provide more accurate analysis of information.

2. Grouping of worksheets facilitates the editing of multiple worksheets at the same time. We can enter common data, formatting effects, and formulas in the grouped sheets.

3. Sparklines are mini charts that fit into a single worksheet cell to provide visual representation of the data. These can be used to analyse the trends in your data.

4. A column chart displays data in the form of vertical bars. They are represented on the horizontal axis and values along the vertical axis. Whereas, a bar chart displays data in the form of long rectangular bars that are placed horizontally.

5. The chart area includes all the objects and elements in a chart. Whereas, the plot area is a window within the chart area. It contains the actual chart and includes the plotted data, data series, category axis, and value axis.

Class 7 - Chapter 4: Formulas and Functions in Excel

 Chapter 4: Formulas and Functions in Excel

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Equals to

2. Cell reference 

3. NOW ()

4. Absolute Reference 

5. Arguments

B. State True or False. 

1. True

2. False 

3. True 

4. False 

5. True

C. Select the correct option. 

1. a. TEXTJOIN ()

2. a. =SUM (A2:A8) 

3. b. A3

4. a. Insert Function 

5. a. HelloWorld

D. Competency-based question.

Soumya can use the MAX () function to find the maximum height and MIN () function to find the minimum height from the collected data.

E. Answer the following questions. 

1. Two common errors are:

##### Error: This error occurs if the column does not have enough space to accommodate the value.

#DIV/0!: This error occurs when the number is divided by zero or an empty cell.

2. A formula is an expression that can include cell addresses, numbers, arithmetic operators, and parentheses. It is used to perform calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For example, to add two numbers, we can use the formula "=A1 + B1," where A1 and B1 are the cell addresses of the numbers that we want to add.

3. The cell address in a formula is known as the cell reference. With the help of references, we can find the values or data in a worksheet that we want to use in the formula. There are three types of cell references: relative, absolute and mixed.

4. Functions are the pre-defined formulas in Excel to perform both simple and complex calculations. Two mathematical functions are: SUM (), and PRODUCT ()

5. Absolute reference is used when we do not want to change the address of the cell while copying the formula to the other cell. To use absolute reference in a formula, we need to add dollar ($) sign before the column and row number. For example, =$A$1+$A$2.

Class 7 - Chapter 8: Natural Language Processing

  C ha pter 8: Natural La n guage P r oc e ss i ng A. Fill in the blanks. 1. Natural Language Processing  2. AI 3. Tokenisation  4. NLG 5. ...